Let’s be honest now, you’ve seen those professional e-sports gamers broadcast their gameplay live for their audience to watch. You also have a beast gaming rig laying around doing nothing but collecting dust. So you decide to clean it up, turn it on again and …
Microsoft Windows has undergone loads and loads of transformations. Be it the transition from Windows XP to Windows 7, from Windows 7 to Windows 8, or from Windows 8 from 10; new features have been constantly added by Microsoft developers to the Windows operating system. …
Web hosting is a service that gives institutions or individuals to host their websites on the internet. There are hundreds of web hosts for us to choose from now. It can be a gigantic task to find the one that fits our needs. Blue Geek …
Let’s say you’re working on a very important document on your precious and beloved Mac computer and you come across an article or webpage that enlightens you from the within. It is so good that now you want to save it as a permanent copy. …
Let’s say you’re working on a very important document on your precious and beloved Windows computer and you come across an article or webpage that enlightens you from the within. It is so good that now you want to save it as a permanent copy. …
Imagine you just made up your mind to upgrade your PC as it is a bit too old to run PUBG, Fortnite, and Apex. You head over to the internet and look for the best components available out there, as you have a thick wallet …
Let’s say you’re writing a crucial document for your firm, or a letter to your boss, or just an article like this one for your page. You’re one hundred percent focused and determined to get up only when the document is done, but suddenly you …